Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thanks, Sidney

My hero is dead. Sidney Sheldon. The man I have always wanted to be, and still want to be.

When I was 17, my family went on a camping trip to Lake George, New York – a beautiful, crisp, clean place with mountains and clean air and clear blue water.

After helping set up the tents and getting everything else set, I pulled out a book I had brought with me and sat down on a rock to read. The Other Side of Midnight, by Sidney Sheldon.

By the third or fourth chapter, I knew. I knew that his style of writing was exactly the way my mind worked. Contrast. First you introduce one character or theme, then the other. Then you go back and forth until you've weaved them both so close to together that by the end of the book they are completely intertwined and boom! Climax.

And I always liked his characters, especially the women. Too smart to be in a Danielle Steele novel but not so complex that they belong in a Michael Crichton book. And no bimbos.

Through all the John Grishams, Nelson DeMilles, Ken Follets and other great writers I've read, Sheldon has always remained my favorite – my idol.

Thanks for the inspiration, Sidney. Someday, I hope to join the best seller list and make you proud.

If you are interested in reading more about Sidney Sheldon:

Here's his obituary in The Wall Street Journal (you might need to be registered to read it):

Please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon.

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