Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Please vote for me!

To all my family, friends and business associates,

I am writing to ask you to vote for me. On the website change.org, I put up a suggestion of how I feel the heatlhcare system should be changed. Votes get ideas to the second and then the final round. Winning ideas are actually going to be presented to Barak Obama after he is sworn into office.

About a week ago, my suggestion was ranked #2 in the global health category. I have 67 votes mostly from people I don't know who read my idea!

If you disagree with my idea, that's fine. You can simply do nothing. Or everyone is also free to write a comment.

Here is the link:

Then click on the "67 votes" box. You will have to register to vote.

I appreciate your support. Thank you,

Please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon.

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