Friday, December 03, 2010

Have you received a phone call from 866-312-9553?

Beware. This person says that you've won a car or a trip or some equally high level prize and that this is their last attempt to reach you, even though you swear you've never heard from them before.

It's some kind of a scam. Check out this website.

It sounds to me more like a time share message - like they want you to come down and if you just listen to their speech for three hours we'll give you blank just for coming. Not worth the time and effort. They can be very forceful with these things. I actually bought a timeshare once and it turned out to be a disaster. So bad, in fact, they they agreed to take it back from me no strings attached.

The caller ID comes up, for me at least, as Prize Award Center, but the person leaves a voicemail of Vandale Communications. It's different in different parts of the country, however, so beware.

Please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon.

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